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What equipment and/or will I need for the courses?


The courses cover a variety of areas that would work for ANY devices that take photos. In the course, it is strongly recommended to shoot in RAW. However, if you’re using a smartphone, there are plenty of photography tips such as composition, prompts and posing tips. The courses are geared for a variety of people who want to learn how to take photos, for those who want to improve their business or elevate their photography skills as well as for those who want to learn how to use Lightroom, Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop. 


The videos are shown through the website and there are forums which you can participate in through a computer or a smartphone.


As for skills, the courses cover skills for those who have absolutely no idea what to do to those who are already considering themselves as a professional. Nobody ever stops learning and even those who already are so talented, still need practice. As for those who are beginners, there are basics covered in those courses: how to use your DSLR camera and even your smartphone camera and how to edit in Lightroom, Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop. Also, a lot of how tos are shown through behind the scene footage as well as photo samples for comparison. In the end, you’re able to participate in the forums to ask questions, to share and request for critiques if any.


Is there a time limit on the registration?


No. The registration on May 3rd is solely to get everything organized, the classes will be released on June 1, 2021. You can register anytime to the 2021 Retreat as you register, it is a lifetime access to the courses. This goes the same for the 2020 Courses.


Are the courses self-paced or will there be live classes?


All the videos are self-paced, with zero live classes. The videos vary, some are 20 minutes long, some are longer or less. The total time of videos offered in 2020 Courses online is 180 minutes, meanwhile the 2021 Retreat is well over 200 minutes. The plus side of this online course being self-paced is, you can choose when to watch at any time and you can choose what videos you want to learn from. There are no requirements in watching one video to the next. It’s 100% self paced and tailored to your preferences. 


What makes this photography online courses different from what is already out there?


Accessibility, that’s it. There are no other online tutorials that are offered in sign language. Seriously, none in this entire world has online classes fully signed  in regards to photography. Not just sign language, English text and English voiceovers are also included. 


I am not a professional photographer, I just want to learn how to take photos for my personal reasons. Will the courses be a good fit for someone like me?


Absolutely. There are courses across the board that cover different tips. Such as, in the 2020 Lifestyle at Home course, the idea of being a fly on the wall with a camera is discussed. Meanwhile  in the 2021 Retreat, there are two different courses focusing on how to use your smartphone and how to edit through your phone. Also, tips on how to use natural lights in the house as well as what activities you can do to capture meaningful moments that are personal. As for the portraiture section, there’s so many tips on how to pose if needed. The ages covered in that course are 5 years old, 10 years old, a teen and an adult. The tips would be helpful for you to know when taking a shot of a kid or of someone you love. In addition to that, there is a course on maternity that also covered a lot on how to capture emotions and connections. The tips and examples will benefit anyone who wants to take meaningful photos.


What am I paying for in the 2021 Retreat, it seems pricey?! I just want two specific courses in there. 


You are paying for 200 plus minutes of online courses that covers almost ALL important aspects in photography. The topics covered are from 14 different skilled photographers experience, knowledge and skills. Also, each photographer took their time in creating their videos to share their knowledge which they have acquired through a lot of self development and experience. In fact, each video are worth $250, if you wanted to get just two, it'd be $500. The whole thing is valued at $7200, so, for the 16 videos plus reflections, live engagement with teachers, chances to be featured and even a lifetime access to the forum to discuss, share and receive critiques. $450, quite frankly, is chicken feed to the knowledge and skills you'll be getting. The courses also comes with reflections worksheet so you can better retain what you’ve learned and apply them, immediately elevating your knowledge and skills. The results will be evident.


How long is my membership good for?


For both 2020 and 2021, your access will be for lifetime. Wow huh?! This would be fabulous for those who are famous with procrastination (like most of us).


Can I share the videos to people outside the membership?


No, you absolutely cannot.  It is not a victimless crime. Think of it like how you’d violate the law when you pirate a movie from Hollywood. As you register, you will read a “Code of Honor” contract and click to proceed, which makes you legally bound to not pirate and share. If done so, legal actions will be taken.


Can I have payment plans?


You can purchase the plans using your credit card or PayPal payment plans. 


What is the difference between the 2020 Courses and the 2021 Retreat?


The main difference would be, 2020 had just one teacher, Clare Cassidy, providing 11 courses on different topics. As for 2021, there are 14 different teachers providing 16 different classes. The classes though, are not the same nor duplicated (the only similar course would be the Couples, 2020 and 2021 Couples courses have different tips, models and 2021 is more about essence of the couple. In theory, you'd be getting 27 DIFFERENT classes. 


Will there be future online courses about videography and filmmaking after this?


No, we are affiliated with a new company named Front Row Films, the link is here

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